5 Ways to Live out the Sorrows of Mary

Sorrows of Mary Infographic

Lent is the perfect time to meet Our Lady of Sorrows and walk with her hand in hand, but she will meet you at any time of the year if you are willing. Here are some ideas on how you can live out the Sorrows of Mary in your daily life and grow closer to her!

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the year if you are willing. Here are some ideas on how you can live out the Sorrows of Mary in your daily life and grow closer to her!

All of these ideas are sourced from Our Lady of Sorrows: A Catholic Novena & Meditation Prayer Journal (find even more ideas in the journal!)

If you want to walk closer to Christ this Lent, walk next to his Mother, Our Lady of Sorrows, with Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Novena & Meditation Prayer Journal!
Available on Amazon.com

5 Ways to Live out the Sorrows of Mary

If you want to walk closer to Christ during His Passion, walk with His Mother. With her as your guide, you will uncover the depths of her Sorrows and learn more about Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Make this Lent your best yet and depend your Catholic faith with the Virgin Mary, Mother of God.

More Ideas!!

1. The Prophecy of Simeon

Kneel down and thank God right after Mass ends, before leaving, as Jesus resides inside of you.

2. The Flight into Egypt

Offer your time and support (babysitting, write a note, etc) to single moms who don’t have a spouse or support system to walk with them through turbulent waters like Mary did.

3. The Loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple

Write a letter to or spend some time with someone who has lost a child or miscarried, especially on that child’s birthday, due date, or the day that they died.

4. The Meeting of Jesus & Mary on the Way to Calvary

Write down your worries, anxieties, and stressors. How can you offer these to God? Destroy the paper these are written on as you imagine Jesus carrying them for you.

5. The Crucifixion & Death of Jesus

Pray for those on their deathbed, especially those who need the extra push to accept Jesus before death.

For even more ideas, see Our Lady of Sorrows: A Catholic Novena & Meditation Prayer Journal on Amazon or the printable version (at a steep discount!) on CatholicMommyBlogs.com

God bless you! +JMJ+

post updated 2/29/20