50 Unique Ideas to Give Up for Lent

Lent is around the corner and you’re wondering what you’re going to give up. There’s only so many times you can give up chocolate and this year you want to do something different. Here are 50 unique things you can consider giving up for Lent!

Recommended: Catholic Kid Activities for Each Day of Lent

50 Unique Ideas to Give Up for Lent for Catholics and Catholic families

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Give up:
  1. Sleep: Get up earlier to read scripture and pray
  2. Negativity: Focus on the positive!
  3. Complaining: Bite your tongue and offer it up.
  4. Doing your hair before church: Consider veiling!
  5. Social Media: The modern day “chocolate” that Catholics give up for Lent
  6. Condiments: Think Mayo-less deviled eggs
  7. Enjoying nap time: when your kids go down for a snooze, keep moving and get stuff done!
  8. Sitting on sin: Go to weekly confession
  9. Phones: Put your phone on vibrate except for certain times of the day
  10. Drinks: Only drink water
  11. Sugar: Cut the sweets!
  12. Screens: Eliminate screen time one day per week
  13. Electricity: For one hour per day, turn off all the lights and screens (but maybe not the heater if it’s necessary!)
  14. Stuff: Go the minimalist route and purge something every day
  15. Swearing: Kick those nasty words to the door
  16. Saying the Lord’s name in vain (Oh my God/ gosh)
  17. Alcohol: Just consider first if no wine for 40 days would actually make you a better person! 😉
  18. Turning the other way: Go out of you way for your neighbors
  19. Selfishness: Do one nice thing for someone else every day
  20. Forgetfulness: Make a list of people to pray for daily and follow up with them to see how they’re doing
  21. Passing the basket: Make it a point to tithe more by saving up in a different area of your life
  22. Cooking only for your family: Bring a meal to a family going through a rough time or an elderly neighbor, etc
  23. Netflix: Watch Formed.org instead!
  24. Games: that small, sad violin for Candy Crush
  25. Busyness: Make time for the things that matter like prayer, rest, and quality family time
  26. Microwave: Get creative with reheating in pots and pans!
  27. Eating out: East in and make it count
  28. Meat: Become a vegetarian-friendly house for Lent
  29. Shopping: Only spend money on necessary groceries and toilet paper
  30. Spending money: Spend no money whatsoever during Lent! Stockpile groceries and get creative cooking from nothing as Lent goes on
  31. Comfort: give up sitting in your favorite spot on the couch or sleeping with a pillow
  32. Walking in comfort: Put a small pebble in your shoe daily that will bother you just enough to remind you to pray
  33. Warmth: Give up warm showers
  34. Laundry machines: Wash everything by hand
  35. Talking too fast: Think before speaking
  36. Sacrifice: Give up the best parking spot for someone else and save the last cookie for your kids
  37. Cards: Use only cash to make purchases
  38. Texting: Only call or use email
  39. Caffeine: This may or may not be the best Lent ever
  40. Closing your eyes to need: Help through a service project or shelter
  41. Praying in privacy: Pray in front of an abortion clinic once per week
  42. Paper plates and paper towels: go green!
  43. Blow drying your hair: Brr!
  44. Makeup: “You’re never fully dressed without a smile!” (Annie)
  45. Yelling: Change your parenting style
  46. Mirrors: Wipe your face really well after brushing your teeth!
  47. Hitting the snooze button: good luck!!
  48. Elevators: Take the stairs, friend!
  49. Talking first: Make it a point to listen better and ask questions
  50. Driving by the church: Stop in the church for Adoration for an hour every week

Do you like attending Catholic events? Check out what’s happening in your diocese!

I hope these help you! Want more ideas? Check out SO many more ideas on our Lent Pinterest board. Follow it here!

Also, if you’re looking for a Catholic prayer journal to help you through Lent, especially in growing closer to Our Lord in His Passion, you might like Our Lady of Sorrows: A Catholic Novena & Meditation Prayer Journal. (This is an Amazon affiliate link) I wrote this to help others grow closer to Our Lady of Sorrows and learn what it means to stand next to Jesus during His Passion and Crucifixion. I hope you like it!
If you want to walk closer to Christ this Lent, walk next to his Mother, Our Lady of Sorrows, with Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Novena & Meditation Prayer Journal!
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 (This post was last updated Jan. 19, 2020)

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